Posthumanities and Latin America

OCTOBER 10-11, 2024

Ski-U-Mah Room, McNamara Alumni Center 

Memory, Trauma and Human Rights 

at the Crossroads of Arts and Science 

A two day symposium that focuses on ongoing debates, literary , artistic  and archival practices, and relevant philosophical approaches about the posthuman condition, in academia and beyond, recognizing, in particular, the interconnectedness of all forms of life and the impact of technology on the understanding (and design) of the posthuman. This interdisciplinary symposium highlights Latin American contributions to the conceptualization of the posthuman condition to better understand new directions in the understanding of collective memory, trauma and human and non-human rights  from the lens of the posthumanities in and about Latin America. We also invite reconsideration of new forms of academic activism and engagement, alongside a reflection on the possibilities that critical posthumanities offer to address legal, juridical, ethical, medical, environmental, and biotechnological dilemmas, to engage in a non-extractivist dialogue with marginalized knowledges, and to foster new transdisciplinary dialogues.