Exhibition and Lecture
Organized by: The CLA Interdisciplinary Collaborative Workshop on “Memory, Trauma, and Human Rights at the Crossroads of Art and Science,” The Office of Student Unions and Activities, and The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies. Co-sponsored by: The Institute for Advanced Study.
Espe Pons is a freelance photographer. She specializes in reportage and artistic photography, with an emphasis on memory and landscape. She has exhibited her work at numerous festivals and galleries around the world. In 2019 she was selected for an artist-in-residence program at Three Shadows Photography Art Center in Beijing, China. She has published three photobooks: Under the light of the sea (2021), Tierra (2023), and Flucht (2023). Tierra was finalist for The Book Awards, in Les Prix du Livre, Arles, France (2023).
“Fotografía, Paisaje, Memoria (Photography, Landscape, Memory)”
Espe Pons
Place and time:
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Coffman Theater
Coffman Memorial Union
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
This lecture was the inaugural artist’s presentation of her photography exhibit “Mirrors of Oblivion” which was shown at the Coffman Art Gallery, Coffman Memorial Union, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, between March 14-April 21. Curators: Ofelia Ferrán and Jordi Jové.
“Mirrors of Oblivion” brings together two photographic essays by Catalan photographer Espe Pons: Sota la llum del mar (Under the Light of the Sea) (2019) and Tierra (Earth) (2023). Both are part of a long-term research/art project by the artist though which she explores a personal history of trauma and traces collective memory in Spain, all while working to dignify the victims of the mass violence imposed throughout the country by the fascist military regime of Francisco Franco (1939-1975) after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Her projects reflect on Spain’s unfinished business, as hundreds of unmarked, mass graves containing the bodies of thousands of people killed by Franco’s regime are still scattered throughout the country and true accountability for the crimes of the regime remains elusive.
Mirrors of Oblivion
Espe Pons
Event Date & Time
Fri, Mar 15, 2024 | 12 - 1 PM
Event Location
Coffman Art Gallery, Coffman Memorial Union
300 Washington Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
“Mirrors of Oblivion” has been designed as a traveling exhibit, that can be sent to other universities/institutions to be shown there. If you are interested in bringing the exhibit to your institution, please contact Ofelia Ferrán: ferra007@umn.edu.